Organization Tracker

Ruby on Rails application that allows you to seamlessly handle everything you need for an organization


Developed as part of CSCE-431 (Software Engineering), this robust Ruby on Rails application offers a comprehensive suite of features. Users can seamlessly interact with events by viewing details, RSVPing, signing up, and checking in. Administrators enjoy full control over events and announcements, including creation, editing, and deletion, with the added capability of mass emailing announcements to subscribed organization members. The application's fully responsive design guarantees optimal user experience across all devices. Moreover, administrators can generate and view insightful demographics and organization reports.

As Project Manager, I spearheaded the development process, maintaining consistent communication with stakeholders, discussing requirements, and presenting previews to the customer to ensure the application met their evolving needs. I also diligently ensured our team adhered to tight deadlines for deliverables. This project earned recognition from the professor as one of the "best looking and well-executed projects," a testament to our team's commitment to excellence.

Project Information


Ruby on RailsRubyJavaScriptHTMLCSSpSQLDockerCI/CDTailwindCSS



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